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Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange

Parenting Time is now located in Loomis, CA!
6125 King Road Suite 202
Loomis CA 95650
Parenting Time is an innovative Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange program dedicated to providing outstanding services to children and their families during periods of transition.
Parenting Time is located in Loomis CA and does not provide remote services. Services are by appointment only, everyday 9AM-8PM.
For a list of court approved service providers please select your county:

​Proud Partner of First 5 Placer
Parenting Time has partnered with First 5 Placer to provide No Cost Safe Exchanges to qualifying families through June 2018.
Safe Exchanges provide a safe and positive atmosphere for families to make custody transfers.
Providing Court Ordered and Elective Family Services in Loomis CA